Sunday, July 2, 2017

Warmachine Rekindled Redux

As mentioned in my previous post, I got in my first game of MK3 Warmachine last week. For anyone who read the previous post you know that I was trepidatious about whether or not you can, in fact, go home again. I'm here to tell you that you can. I lost the game, but it was a nail biter right up to the end. I had a great opponent whose obvious pleasure in the game was infectious and we had ourselves a fantastic game.

I had no real reason to hope that the game would go half as well as it did, but I left the shop absolutely giddy with the joy of playing again (and $100 lighter in my wallet from some new shinies).

Beyond the game itself, it was fantastic to be welcomed to the community. I got the rundown on all the local metas in town, and was made to feel that I'd be welcome in any or all of them. While there are a couple small regular groups, it seems like none of them are insular and plenty of cross play is happening.

I'm excited to have played my Swans again, and am going to be focussing on them a bit for the next little while as I attend the regular gaming nights. Once I'm all up to speed I'll probably get my Trollbloods back out and see how they do for me in the new edition.

The moral of this story is for anyone who has been out of a game, or is looking to join a bigger local scene, try it. Gamers are a friendly bunch and you already have something in common, the love of the game.

- Chris

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